What is Fee-Only?

No hidden costs or
third-party incentives 

We do better when you do better.  

As Fee-Only advisors we are proud members of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA). All NAPFA members only receive compensation from their clients and must meet stringent requirements to be part of the organization.

Full transparency, every step of the way 

To facilitate an open relationship with our clients, our fee includes all the services we offer. The fee is based on the discretionary assets we manage for clients and is calculated as follows:

Fixed fee: $5,000 per year, plus 
Asset-based fee: 0.65% per year of managed assets

Rest assured, we act in your best interest


The compensation structure for a financial advisor can play a significant role in determining their objectivity. Contrary to popular belief, most advisors are not required to act in the best interests of their clients. 

Our fiduciary commitment means you receive recommendations tailored to your unique financial goals and circumstances, ensuring that your investments, retirement planning, and financial strategies are aligned with your aspirations and risk tolerance.

What Fee-Only means to you

WJ is a fiduciary regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. We disclose any conflicts of interests we may have in making recommendations to clients.


WJ is objective in our advice since we don’t profit off any particular product.


We don’t sell in-house products and we don’t collect commissions from sales.


WJ has one goal – to simply make the best decisions for you, based on your particular needs and objectives.


WJ is a fiduciary which means we can sit on the same side of the table as our clients and tell them we work for them – and only them.


We meet the highest ethical and professional standards in the industry

In the financial industry, anyone can call themself a financial advisor or planner. However, a CFP® certification signifies a highly credentialed fiduciary that has met rigorous education and experience requirements.

Start the conversation

Start the conversation with an email to ashley@wjwealth.com and we will get back to you with a prompt same day response during business hours.

Phone: 281-634-9400

9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.